Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Im turning Chocolate!

More exciting news on my front Kittens!
Well not on my 'front'. There is always something to say about them.
I mean, more news about me silly!

I met the most delectable Dane, Fritz Knipschildt recently and after several cocktails, I found out he is a Master Choclatier!
He moved here in 1999 after working in France and Spain and opened up his own chocolate company and cafe Chocopologie in South Norwalk Connecticut. Well here is the best part- he is turning me into chocolate!

In the next couple of months Fritz (don't you just love that name?) is going to be releasing mini confections featuring sexy and sweet images of MOI on all of my Gotham escapades.

If you can't wait to taste my tail, check out http://www.knipschildt.net/ and see what else fabulous Fritz has up his sleeve.

Ok, see all y'all this Thursday at the National Arts Club,
It is looking fab!

All my blush-

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