Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

Can you believe summer is winding down? No more gallivanting around town in corsets and panties for me!
Now I have to haul out my vintage YSL chubby and snuggle into it before a night out.

Ah but darlings Fashion Week is upon us. Shows! Champagne! Celebutards!
Yes that's right. I said Celebutards. Who isn't tired of waiting for a show to start or getting trampled by photogs (ruining my satin peep toe Louboutins!) because some D list celebrity is attending a show or event?

I say take a stand! Citizen arrest for public misconduct! Write their publicists! It's all too much.
But besides them, Fashion Week is always such fun. It’s a great time to see all my friends and preview what I will be wearing in spring 2009.

So everyone rest up this Labor Day long-weekend and get ready to rumble in the tents at Bryant Park!

All my blush-

Friday, August 22, 2008

Aloha Japan!

Konichiwa darlings!

I have been a busy been enjoying these dog days of summer.
On Tuesday I attended the party at Aloha Rag to celebrate Japanese Fashion Week.
Sorry to say I cannot attend in Tokyo since I must here in New York City for our own gorgeous Fashion Week.
So I got to meet the people behind the shows and tour the gorgeous new store in Tribeca.

One of the models was adorned in a sparkly body suit. I told the store to put that on hold for moi.
A must have!

I saw all my editor friends as well as Patrick McDonald, Matt Bell, the Mao boys and the always whacky Lynn Yaeger.

This weekend I am off to Atlantic City to check out the new Beatrice Inn they have opened out there.
I have been taking my Milk Thistle pills all week to build up my liver for a weekend of debauchery.

Here come's trouble!

All my blush-

Monday, August 11, 2008

Eve is back!

Hi Darlings!
I know I have been incommunicado for the past several weeks but lil ole me simply had to take a break from my busy life of, well, of, um, being me!

I headed out to Los Angeles for some R&R at the Chateau Marmont. I've loved that movie ever since Raquel Welch filmed Myra Brekenridge there. I sipped Arnold Palmer's by the pool by day and met up with all of my West Coast cats for fun nights on the town in the evenings. Halcyon Days!

I have included a photo of one of my looks I sported in LA. The glasses are an ode to Peggy Guggenheim my art idol!
The look was such a success that I had my dear friend Jason Wu cast it in my doll collection. How chic is that?

Now I'm back and ready to blog.
More soon!
All my blush-