Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hooray Darlinks! Eve is going on exhibit!

Well you know that I always like to exhibit myself in peep toes, push up bras and waist cinching corsets, but starting June 19th the National Arts Club is exhibiting my artwork for two weeks!

Time to pop some champagne!

The best part is that Nancy Bacich, Patrick McDonald and Cator Sparks are hosting a reception for me on Thursday June 19th.
I do hope all of my friends can come and have a sip and take a tour.

'The Club' as I like to call the NAC, is such a swank place with its oak paneled drawing rooms and over stuffed furniture. I like to think of it as my home every time I swish through those front doors. Oooh maybe I will wear a bustle to my opening!

Well on that note, I need to raid my closet.
More soon!

All my blush-


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